Hi everyone,
Just thought I would share something with you, not very profound, but meaningful.
Recently I have been trying to notice little things, such as, when I am cleaning up the kitchen, and trying to rush thru it to GET IT DONE! So I can go onto something more fun, right??! You all know what I mean, we do it every day.
The other day, there I was cleaning up the kitchen.Well, it wasn't easy, but I tried to be fully in the moment, instead of looking ahead. I realized, and yes I know this is corny, but I realized what I had right then & there. Sure I was doing a mundane task that I don't enjoy. But I have a home, and even though I have to clean it, I'm glad I have it, and that I am able-bodied to do so.
Today, another thing happened as I was emptying the dishwasher, (another thing I like to just get it over with). Lately, I've been looking at all my mismatched glasses & coffee mugs lately, and thinking, ugh--these are just a mish-mash of crappy old things. I wish I had some nice new glasses and mugs, that all matched.
Well today I looked at them in a different way when I realized that they were pieces of who we are, and they all represented something. Like the big golden-yellow plastic Bruins cup: a reminder of some fun B's games... the tiny Guinness glass: when I won the Guinness basket at a raffle at a fun dance... the pair of Michael Collins Whiskey hi-ball glasses: from the wonderful Irish gift basket we've received every year at Christmas from one of Steve's vendors (we all get so excited when it comes!)... the Smuggler's Notch coffee mug: a souvenir from our friends' vacation one year... the pair of Montana coffee mugs: another friend's thoughtful souvenir from their trip... Red Sox cups and pretty blue-streaked wine glasses: also from gift baskets won at the countless hockey fundraisers over the years... a coffee mug from the lovely Brewster Inn in Cazenovia NY: reminds me of the wonderful year Laura spent as a student at Caz... a pink "All My Children" mug: Santa had magically left one for me & my BFF one Christmas!... a goblet from Apple Annie's in Orlando FL : an actual souvenir from our honeymoon!!!
Sappy? Maybe.
But the point is, we all really have a lot to be thankful for, if we only open our eyes to it. I challenge everyone to look at things from a different angle today, and see if you can't see the good in it!
Let me know your thoughts!!